2k to 10k Words a Day? Yes, please!
2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love by Rachel Aaron
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love was an inexpensive Kindle eBook that took but a few hours to read. Overall, there is nothing earth-shatteringly new in Rachel Aaron’s discussion of writing technique. She is a plotter and she advocates planning and plotting before putting pen to page. As a byproduct of knowing where you’re going in advance of actually writing, your word count will increase. That said, her description of her particular method was incredibly enlightening and useful to me. As I took notes, I realized I was creating a flow-chart and a visual guide for plotting and eventually editing my novel. The light bulb came on and excitement grew. I couldn’t wait to finish Rachel’s book and put her plan into action for my own WIP, which had been suffering from inertia.
In Rachel’s chapter, “If Writing Feels Like Pulling Teeth, You’re Doing It Wrong” I felt like she was in my head when she wrote it. Yes, this is exactly what I’ve been experiencing! I’m not alone! Now I know why, and know how to go about fixing it. It was the much-needed breakthrough I needed to get my current novel back on track. Rachel, where were you months ago? You would have saved me so much angst!
I also particularly enjoyed the chapter, “What advice do you have for new writers?” Rachel reminds the reader why they started writing in the first place, and sometimes we need that little boost and cheerleading to get ourselves back on track when we’ve been struggling and doubting ourselves.
The only reason I gave this 4 stars instead of 5 is the too-frequent typos throughout the book. It didn’t affect the value of the advice offered, but the number of typos gave a hurried, unprofessional appearance to an otherwise well-written tome.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and Rachel’s writing voice, and recommend it to anyone looking to increase their word count and overall productivity, as well as adding a few new tools to their writer’s toolbox for plotting and editing. I can’t wait to put her advice to good use and see my word count, as well as my finished novel count, grow.