NaNoWriMo: Day 6
Commentary on the difficulty of writing and finding inspiration from other authors to overcome it.
Commentary on the difficulty of writing and finding inspiration from other authors to overcome it.
Commentary on wishing I had done more pre-Nano plot planning.
Commentary On: Vlogging in the daylight hours and having fun with Photo Booth (procrastinating much?). Obviously too much caffeine went into the making of this video. 😉
Commentary on writer’s block and a method I tried to overcome it.
Just a couple of pictures of some of the places where I write. These are in my RV. I prefer the comfort of the cushioned seats at the dining table, but my ‘office’ is a converted bunk room in the back of our 5th Wheel and I seem to do most of my writing in […]
Commentary on procrastination, being lost, finding a groove, and using StoryMill.
All my Video Diary entries for this year’s NaNoWriMo may be found on this site, or by going to:
Commentary on beginning NaNoWriMo and completing the first day’s quota of 1667 words.