C.T. Charles

Official Author Website

Setting Up Your First Blog with WordPress

The video below is the second in a series of video tutorials covering the (very) basics of blogging using WordPress.com and tweeting with Twitter. In Part II, we cover choosing a WordPress.com theme and writing your first post with the WordPress.com setup menus that appear after activation.

Part II: Choosing a Theme & Your First Post

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. After Activating your blog, you will be on the Welcome to WordPress.com! screen. Click the NEXT STEP button.
  2. Here WordPress offers you a chance to follow your friends via Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Click the NEXT STEP button.
  3. Set Up Your Blog. This screen allows you to change the name of your blog, add a tagline, and choose the language you’ll blog in. Click on NEXT STEP.
  4. Choose your blog’s design by selecting a Theme, staying with the free themes for now. Click on NEXT STEP.
  5. You can customize the theme you chose. For now, skip this step (you can do this later). Click the NEXT STEP button.
  6. Create your first post by typing your title and the text in the boxes provided on the screen. Click FINISH.
  7. Your blog post has been published, but the screen you see next is your Dashboard. To see your post on your blog, open a new tab or window in your browser.
  8. Type in the URL you gave your blog when you signed up (yourblogname.wordpress.com).
  9. Now that you are on your blog, you’ll see your first post, and a post WordPress has provided for you (titled Hello world!) to get you started.
  10. Click on EDIT to see how you can edit and update posts.
  11. Click on the ALL POSTS tab on the left side of your browser screen while you are in your Dashboard. You’ll see both posts that are now on your blog.
  12. Hover your mouse over the Hello world! post until it changes color and a menu appears below it.
  13. Choose TRASH to delete the default post.

In the next video, we will discuss the difference between Posts and Pages, learn how to create a Page, update the About Page provided by WordPress, and discuss the Dashboard.


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