C.T. Charles

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Video Blogging NaNoWriMo

vloggerNaNoWriMo is about to begin and I’ve decided to keep a Video Diary of my 30 days of writing for the contest. Care to come along for the ride? I’ll be making daily video blog entries about how things are going (or not). 😉 It should be an interesting journey. Hopefully my posts will be of interest to other NaNo Writers out there, and if not I’ll at least have a video record of my insanity. I’m sure I’ll start off very bland and dry, full of embarassing newbie exuberance. Certainly it won’t take long before things will become more gritty and real. I’m hoping as I draw near to the end of the experience the writing will be going well, but you never know. You may see a very harried and babbling writer desperately searching for the light at the end of the tunnel and hoping it’s rays of sunshine and not a train!

See you in a couple of days!


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