C.T. Charles

Official Author Website

Free Novelist Fuel Day!

Coffee = Novelist Fuel

Coffee = Novelist Fuel

As writers, we all know that a cup of coffee (or two, or three, or a constant-drip IV) is what gets us going and keeps the creative juices flowing as we toil away on what we hope will be the next, great, best-selling novel.

Well, writers, rejoice! Today is National Coffee Day, which means FREE coffee!

From what I’ve gathered from my sources, McDonald’s, 7-Eleven, Krispy Kreme and Dunkin’ Donuts are all giving away free or discounted coffee this morning and I’m sure there are more coffee establishments out there that are participating in today’s celebration of our international addiction to java.

Did you know, according to a Dunkin’ Donuts/Career Builder survey, being a writer is included in the top 10 professions likely to “need coffee to get through the workday the most”? So obviously, this day was made for us!

Don’t let National Coffee Day go by without celebrating. Go out, get your free cup of Novelist Fuel, then get back to writing!


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