C.T. Charles

Official Author Website

Week 3 of NaNoWriMo and I’m Still Busy Writing!

busywritingToday marks the beginning of Week 3 of National Novel Writing Month. I haven’t posted a video blog entry for a few days again, not because I’ve stopped writing, but because I’m busy writing away – and I had a computer crash (damn the Mac blue screen and ‘spinning beach ball of death’!) – but that’s a whole other story.

Last week I managed to fall behind on my word count, but I have spent the past few days writing feverishly to catch up. It seems to be working and I should get to 50,000 words just in time to finish NaNo. It won’t be easy, in fact I’m kicking myself for not keeping up the 1667 minimum words per day so that I wouldn’t be in this position, but it’s still doable and I will do it.

Each week since this year’s NaNo started, Chris Baty and friends at NaNoWriMo HQ have been sending out ‘pep talks’ in written and video form, and this week is no exception. So far I’ve enjoyed them very much and look forward to finding them in my email in-box. Each one seems to speak to just the exact situations I’m finding myself in at the time. They also have just the right amount of encouragement right when I need it most and they’re incredibly crazy and fun to read and watch. Obviously, they’ve done this before. 😉

Week 3 Pep Talk (I just love Chris Baty’s sense of humor!)


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